Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some lifetime What-ifs decided in an afternoon

So as you probably already know, my wife and I are expecting our second child. It is our intention to only have two children. Yesterday we went in for the second sonogram to make sure everything is going smoothly along the development path. We also were able to determine the sex of the child.

For those waiting in anticipation....

It's a boy!

(And he wasn't shy about it either)

Anyway, this being our last one, it looks like we'll have two boys. While it is quite a relief to know and it simplifies a great many things for us, there is also a touch of sadness. As I thought about it today, this means there are some things I'll never experience as a parent.

Being a father of all boys, I'll never get to help pick out a beautiful little Christmas dress or get my daughter's hair done for her first grade picture.

Also I'll never get to walk my little girl down the aisle for her wedding or shake he nerves of some poor boy who comes to pick her up for her prom.

BUT there are some advantages

I'll never have to help shop for my child's bra

I'll never have to deal with my daughter's first bout of PMS

I'll have a couple of rough and tumble boys who will cry more over hurt knees then hurt feelings.

We had no preconceptions to our second child being a boy or a girl really and didn't really prefer one over the other. I'm quote happy that we're having a boy, but I would have been just as happy with a girl. This type of information does get you to thinking though. I guess we'll just hope to have some nieses to spoil in the future =)


Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New year

I think something comes along with the New Year that also inspires planning.

Kat and I have been doing a lot of planning and thinking and working and reworking. This year we've got the baby on the way and ready or not he or she is coming sometime in June. This means deciding how we're going to work bedrooms and decorating and jobs, etc.

I'm also back in school starting the end of this month to complicate things. I've got six courses left for my Masters. After this semester, that'll make four classes, so planning when to take which classes is important.

We have also more or less decided that after I graduate, we can get a truck. Not a brand new one or anything, but something useful. I've got grand plans as to what the truck should have with it. For instance, I think a truck that is really a truck should have 4 wheel drive. Otherwise, you're a car with ground clearance and a big trunk.

Also, I'd like it to have four doors. Either the full 4 door crew cab or at least the extended cab with the two doors that open backwards. I figure it's a good idea to be able to pack a kid or two in the truck.

I also want the long bed. Although the 6 ft bed would probably do, with an 8 ft bed, I could haul plywood or drywall without having it hanging out of the bed.

We're also talking about getting a dog this year. So that includes discussion on what breed, when, how, why, who.. pretty much any question you can imagine. Mainly though, should it come before or after the baby. We dog-sat for my parents for about a week while they were away and we sorta liked having a furry one under feet. Still, we had originally planned for Christmas time later this year. Further more, not only is our fence not quite completed yet, I don't think it would hold in a dog, expecially if we pick a breed that had a good vertical leap or can dig. The fence will keep in a small human in, but don't know about a smart dog, so an invisible fence is probably in our future.

So much to think about. Have a happy new year and I hope your planning is less complicated.